Kenneth Edmund Waskawich, a beloved husband, father, and grandfather, passed away peacefully on January 23, 2025, at the age of 82. Born in Staten Island, NY in 1942 and raised in Belleville, NJ, Ken exemplified the stalwart and street-smart mentality as the son of Polish immigrants. He graduated from Belleville High School in 1960 and shortly thereafter met the love of his life, Patricia Waskawich. This commenced a beautiful marriage that lasted more than 50 years. Professionally, he was a small business owner as a mechanic and salesman in the automotive and forklift industries for most of his adult life.
Ken was a big New York Yankees and New York Giants fan, a former semi-professional race car driver, and a great bowler. You could regularly find him watching a game or race with an ice-cold Diet Coke or Coors Light in one hand, and some pretzels in the other. He was also an unofficial amateur baseball coach to any and all who would listen to his vast knowledge of the game.
Ken is survived by his loving daughter Michele, and devoted son-in-law Jonathan, who cherished the close relationship between father and daughter. He is also survived by his grandchildren Corey and Ross, who fondly referred to him as “Jaj” as a shorthand for the Polish word for grandfather. Ken was incredibly proud of the accomplishments of his daughter and grandsons and was always thrilled to be present at everything from major life milestones to Sunday morning youth baseball games in November.
Ken’s memory also persists in his sisters Regina and Barbara, as well as the many nieces, nephews, and other family members that remember him warmly. With his passing, he now rejoins his parents and beloved wife Patricia.
Visiting will be on Sunday January 26, 2025, at the Armitage Wiggins Funeral Home 596 Belgrove Drive in Kearny from 1:00 until 5:00 pm. A funeral mass will be held Monday at 10:00 am at St. Michael’s Church in Lyndhurst. Interment will follow at Holy Cross Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, kindly consider a donation to the American Cancer Society (