Marquezedeque "Mark" Bispo De Freitas

Marquezedeque Bispo De Freitas, 70 of Kearny passed away at home on October 31, 2022.

Family and friends are invited to attend graveside services for Mark at Holy Cross Cemetery, 340 Ridge Rd. North Arlington on Wednesday November 9 at 10 AM. Those attending are asked to meet by the cemetery office at 9:45 AM. Arrangements are in the care of the Armitage & Wiggins Funeral Home.

Born in São Paulo, Brazil, Mark moved to Harrison in October of 1982, and settled in Kearny in 1987. He proudly attained his US citizenship in the early 1990s. Mark worked for Ohaus Corporation in East Hanover as an electronic technician, and for the US Post Office in Kearny as a clerk. He was a beloved and devoted salesperson with the Home Depot for over 25 years, working in various locations, most recently in their Hackensack store. Mark was driven by numbers, and his charisma and sense of humor helped him earn many awards with the company. His uncanny success at opening store credit cards for customers was second to none. Mark’s social and gregarious personality will be deeply missed by his Home Depot family. Above all, Mark treasured time spent with his family, and the ones he loved.

Mark was an avid tennis player for many years. He especially enjoyed playing chess, playing via an online app on his phone until the day he passed. He treasured matches played against his son, which numbered into the thousands.

Mark loved to listen to music, and had an extensive collection of vinyl records. He enjoyed classical music as well as Música Popular Brasileira (MPB). Without question, his favorite of all time was The Beatles.

Mark also spent time watching soccer, especially his favorite team, Sport Club Corinthians Paulista. He studied the Bible for several years and treasured the Bible truths he learned.

Mark was the beloved husband of 48 years to to Celia De Freitas; loving father of Thiago De Freitas, Rafael De Freitas and Alex De Freitas; and adoring grandfather of Gisele De Freitas.

With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:3, 4)

Então ouvi uma voz alta do trono dizer: “Veja! A tenda de Deus está com a humanidade; ele residirá com eles, e eles serão o seu povo. O próprio Deus estará com eles. Ele enxugará dos seus olhos toda lágrima, e não haverá mais morte, nem haverá mais tristeza, nem choro, nem dor. As coisas anteriores já passaram.” (Apocalipse 21:3, 4)

Posted on November 1, 2022 .