James Buchanan May passed away on October 24, 2020 just three weeks after his 82nd birthday. Arrangements are by the Armitage Wiggins Funeral Home 596 Belgrove Drive, Kearny. Visiting for Jimmy will be on Tuesday from 3 until 7 p.m. in the funeral home. Because of Covid Restrictions that have been imposed upon the number of people allowed in the funeral at one time, we respectfully ask that you arrive, pay your respects and not to linger so as many visitors as possible will be admitted. His cremation will be handled privately.
Jimmy was a welder by trade and was Union delegator for General Motors in Linden. He was very active and loved at The Scots American Club in Kearny. Formerly married to Margaret May, he had two sons with her; Gary May (Ann) and Donald May (Gina). He is also survived by his grandchildren; Haley, Lindsay, Carmella, Josie and Fiona along with his loving companion Gina Gillespie. In lieu of flowers kindly consider a donation to St. Judes Childrens Hospital.